Monthly Archives: January, 2012

State of the Union

For the first time in many years, I did not watch, or listen to, the President’s State of the Union address.  I already know the state of the union, and Folks…….we’re in a hell of a mess!  I don’t need to sit in my ol’ rockin’ chair and listen to Mr. Obama tell us that we are on our way to recovery, When in fact, it was Mr. Obama, his administration, the previous three administrations, and the 535 idiots in Washington, that got this great country into our current condition.

We bailed out the Banks, Mortgage Brokers, Investment Firms, General Motors, Chrysler, and the Stock Market.  All of which were major contributors to the economical disaster that we face today.  With public funds (that’s our money), most of these Corporations, Firms, and Companies are flourishing today.  “Are you flourishing today?  Has your economical conditions improved?  Were you allowed to merge, and diversify?  Do you have as much money in your savings account, or retirement plan then you had 4 years ago?  What?…….No?…….Hmmm, me neither.”

So, here we are in 2012.  Our great nation is struggling, and so are we.  The country is nearing the economical level as the during the “Great Depression.”  (And no….contrary to popular belief, I was NOT alive then).  The cost of gasoline at the pump is going to fly past $4.00/ gallon.  Our food in the markets has risen over 40%, and going higher.   The only reasonably priced clothing we can buy is imported from Asian countries.  One half of our domestically branded automobiles are being made in another country, and one half of the imported brands are being made here.  WTF is That??????  Is there no pride in the slogan “Made In America” anymore?

I have to end this, cause now I’m making myself angry.  But before I go, a quick remark on the presidential election.  The voters will re-elect Mr. Obama for a second term, or whichever Republican gets the nomination.  Either way fellow citizens, we are in for a long and bumpy ride.  Buckle up and hang on tight.  And that, my friend, is the real “State of the Union”, according to Fred.

Be sure to tell your loved ones that you love them, and God bless us all.

Coach Joe Paterno murdered

This is not the topic I had planned for my first Blog.  But……this needs to be said. –

Joseph Vincent Paterno, lovingly nicknamed “JoePa”, was the winningest coach in Division I College football with 409 wins.  In his 47 years of coaching Penn State’s football program, his teams have appeared in 37 Bowl games, with 24 victories, and 1 tie.  Paterno is the only coach to have at least 1 win in all 4 current major bowl games.  (Orange, Rose, Fiesta, and Sugar).  He is also the only coach to have won 3 bowl games in every decade since 1970.  Joe Paterno, as a man, has won every personal award, from the AP Coach of the Year, to the SI Coach of the Year, to the recently presented NCAA Gerald R Ford Award (2011).  I am presenting this information as a prelude to the following remarks.

Joe Paterno was a very, very special person.  He was loved, adored, and admired, by hundreds of thousands of people from all over this great land of ours.  To include some of the greats in College and Professional football.  His passion for football was unquestioned, but it was his guidance, counsuling and teachings, that turned young men into winners.  And, he did it year after year.

Paterno’s football program earned millions and millions of dollars for Penn State University.  Without Joe, Penn State would probably be just another underfunded, unheralded state college, like dozens of others throughout the nation.  And how did Penn  State repay him……let’s see…..Oh yea…..they fired him in November.  The Trustees yielded under pressure from the yellow-coated media, and some of the “holier than tho” alumni.  They ruined his name, his legacy, and his passion for life.

Joe gave up.  He had nothing more to live for.  Cancer may have taken his life, but, as far as I am concerned, Penn State murdered him.

Rest in peace “JoePa”.  My condolences to the whole Paterno family.